Planing Services
Email Address
Are there any pieces that are above 20 inches wide? Are there any pieces that are above 20 inches wide? Yes No
Is there any epoxy in the boards? Is there any epoxy in the boards? Yes No
Briefly describe how much lumber you need planed.
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Please describe your project in a little detail to start a conversation.
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Business Name
What type do you need? What type do you need? Black Walnut Cherry Honey Locust Spalted Maple Manitoba Maple Sugar Maple Ash
Amount (in board footage) Amount (in board footage) 50-100 board feet ~100-500 ~500+
Type of stock Type of stock Charcuterie stock (4/4 or 5/4) 2", 10-15 inch wide 2", 15-26 wide 2.5 - 3", 30"+
Additional Comments, Requests, or Questions
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What type of wood would you like for your project? What type of wood would you like for your project? Black Walnut Cherry Honey Locust Spalted Maple Manitoba Maple Sugar Maple Ash
Please enter the length, width, and thickness in inches
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